Transfund is a algorithmic trading technology company. We provide a fully systematic investment solution for digital asset markets since 2016.

Seoul, South Korea


New York, USA

Digital Asset Investment Solution

CAATS: Crypto Algorithmic Arbitrage Trading System

High Frequency Trading

Low-latency Technology

Risk Management System

Invest in the Digital Revolution

For the first time in history, value can be sent anywhere in the world at the same speed as information, in a secure and trust-minimized way. A departure from conventional economic, political, and social systems run by a handful of large centralized institutions, digital currencies are powered by millions of peers within a globally distributed network, democratizing information and value in incredible new ways.

— Grayscale

We believe digital currency is at an inflection point, making it the right time for a transition to more institutional management.

— Dan Morehead, CEO of Pantera Capital

You know, a younger generation, Bitcoin is social money. And with PayPal and Square and, you know, all these apps where you can now buy and sell Bitcoin on it, it’s just you’re seeing the supply get sucked out. PayPal and Square alone are selling more Bitcoin than all the miners combined each day. And so there’s just no supply.

— Mike Novogratz, CEO of Galaxy Digital


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